2019 Winners
2018 Winners
2017 Winners
2016 Winners
2015 Winners
Contest Details
- The entry should illustrate a message that communicates the importance of attendance, learning and/or being part of a school community.
- Only one entry per artist.
- The submission can include an original drawing or computer-generated design (300 dpi resolution) but must be created by the student. We encourage the use of original drawings.
- Computer generated designs should be sent electronically. Formats for submissions include:
- Visual Art
- posters created on paper
- submissions including photographs of sculpture, etc.: .jpg
- Audio and/or video recording - .mp3, not to exceed 120 seconds
- Typed word: .pdf, not to exceed 8 ½ x 11 inch page
- Posters must be 8 1/2 x 11 inches.
- Visual Art
- All designs, recordings, photographs, drawings, and/or graphics must be the student’s original work. Copies of commercial art, music, words or characters are not acceptable.
Stay tuned for details about the 7th Annual Student Contest which will open for submissions in 2022!
If you have further questions, please contact Susan Lieberman.