Strategies to Build School-Family Partnerships

Increasing family involvement with school is essential for creating a supportive educational environment. Family involvement supports regular school attendance. Here are 8 strategies to help boost family engagement:

  1. Parent-Teacher Conferences: Schedule regular parent-teacher conferences to discuss student progress and goals. Provide opportunities for open dialogue and feedback. Elevate student choice & voice with student-led conferences.
  1. Open House Events: Host open house events at the beginning of the school year, allowing families to meet teachers, tour the school, and learn about classroom expectations. Plan the basics, consider the common challenges, and level-up by incorporating student leadership
  1. Communication Apps: Use digital communication tools like apps or websites to share updates, announcements, and homework assignments. Encourage families to check these platforms regularly. Looking for the right app? Here’s a handy matrix to get you started!
  1. Parent Workshops: Organize workshops on various topics such as study skills, college preparation, or internet safety. These workshops can empower families with valuable information. Not sure how to get started? Check out this toolkit!
  1. Volunteer Opportunities: Create opportunities for family members to volunteer in classrooms, libraries, or during school events. Their involvement can enhance the learning experience. Did you know that Volunteer Maine offers support and resources to help schools and communities recruit, train, and retain volunteers?
  1. Parent-Teacher Associations (PTA): Encourage parents to join the PTA or similar organizations. These groups can advocate for school improvements and organize fundraisers and events. They are also a place to start if you want to incorporate more family feedback into your system.
  1. Family Literacy Programs: Develop programs that promote reading and literacy at home. Provide resources and tips for families to engage their children in reading activities. 
  1. Homework Help Hotlines: Establish homework help hotlines or online forums where families can seek assistance for their children’s assignments, fostering a collaborative approach to learning.

Remember, the key to successful parent involvement is maintaining open and transparent communication, offering a variety of engagement opportunities, and recognizing and valuing the contributions of families in the educational journey of their children.

Learn more:

Parent teacher Communication to Start the Year Off Right

6 Strategies for Effective Family Engagement

11 Easy Tips to Really Engage with Families

Enhancing Family–School Collaboration with

Diverse Families

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