Summer Break Success: How Routines Empower Growth and Connection

Routines Matter

Summer vacation is finally here, and it’s time for some well-deserved fun, exploration, and relaxation. Whether juggling our own kids during summer break, running a camp, or holding down the fort in an early learning setting, we have the opportunity to create a positive and empowering routine during school breaks. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the importance of routine and share practical strategies to incorporate into your summer routines, fostering joy, growth, and connection, regardless of our settings!

Did you know that routines can boost your brain power?

Routines have a profound impact on our brains. Here are five incredible ways routines can boost learning and well-being:

  • Supercharged Efficiency: Establishing routines helps us streamline cognitive processes, freeing up mental energy for deeper learning.
  • Laser-Focused Productivity: Routines reduce decision overload, enabling us to concentrate and manage time more effectively.
  • Emotional Balance: Predictable routines create a safe and nurturing environment, helping us regulate emotions and foster a positive mindset.
  • Executive Function Superpowers: Routines develop self-regulation, planning, and organizational skills, empowering our independence.
  • Champion Mindset: Success within routines boosts confidence and motivation, fueling our belief in our own abilities.

Harness the power of routines to boost success! By fostering a routine-driven environment, we can thrive!

Supervising summer camp, babysitting your grandchildren, or enjoying life as a stay home parent–

  • Set a Consistent Schedule: Establish a daily routine that includes a balance of activities, free time, and relaxation.
  • Plan Adventures: Integrate a variety of activities into your routine, such as park outings, museum visits, or local attractions. Check out Portland Cheat Sheet or Facebook Events for exciting events near you. 
  • Allocate Learning Time: Dedicate specific periods for educational exploration. Explore educational apps, online courses, summer workbooks, or make use of the free resources at your local library or museum. Befriend your local librarian; they often have summer reading programs, museum passes, and activity kits you can check out. If you receive SNAP benefits, Museums for All lists local museums that offer discounts!
  • Encourage Personal Responsibility: Use the summer break as an opportunity to teach children about responsibility and independence. Assign age-appropriate chores or tasks that contribute to the household. Here’s a great list of age-appropriate chores to consider.
  • Balance Screen Time: Establish clear guidelines for screen time limits and encourage alternative forms of entertainment. Encourage outdoor play, family activities, or hobbies like drawing, writing, or playing a musical instrument. Have you seen the Wait Until 8th movement?
  • Prioritize Physical Activity: Incorporate regular exercise into your day. Schedule outdoor activities, bike rides, swimming, or even simple walks in the park. Darebee offers hundreds of free fitness challenges!
  • Foster Social Connections: Encourage social interactions by spending time with friends, organizing playdates, or joining community-based programs. Building social skills and lasting friendships is essential outside of school.

Embrace the power of routines this summer to create structure, foster well-being, and make the most of your break. Create memorable experiences while nurturing growth and connection.

Remember, a well-crafted routine can set the stage for a fulfilling summer. Enjoy the journey!

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